Storm Water Management

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Storm Water Management

Water-efficient landscaping reduces the amount of water needed for irrigation and other uses, thus reducing a home’s stormwater runoff. Stormwater is also known as rainwater or surface water. It goes over roofs, lawns, and driveways and eventually makes its way directly to lakes, rivers, wetlands, and coastal waters. By lessening the amount of water that drains during a storm and decreasing pollutants carried by drainage, homes and businesses can help protect local waterways from poor water quality. When installing water-efficient landscaping, one has to take into account the type of soil being used since it will determine how well plants are able to absorb water. Sandy or gravelly soils are dry and have low amounts of organic material in them, so plants should be installed further away from the drainage area to allow for more absorption time. Additionally, the type of grass being used is a factor that should be considered. Turfgrasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue, are most effective for water management landscaping since they have large root structures and are spread out horizontally just below the surface. These grasses will eventually fill in open spaces between plants. To prepare for installation, plants should be watered beforehand, and each hole dug should have the soil sifted to remove any rocks or debris at least 6 inches below. Water-efficient landscaping can include native plants which are specially adapted to local weather conditions. There are also drought-tolerant plants that do not need much watering once they are established. Lawn systems that use no-mow grasses can also save water and time. Another option is a rain garden or a landscaped area designed to help manage storm water runoff. These gardens have deep roots which help absorb excess water from neighboring surfaces. There are several types of these gardens, including wet swales, dry swales, and bio swales. For more information about water-efficient landscaping, you can contact your local conservation commission.

Book Your Service Today!

You can also contact Mex Landscaping for softscape installation to accentuate your landscape. We use soft landscaping materials like gravel, stones, and decomposed granite to add a new dimension to your yard and elevate its appeal. With our softscape solutions, you can customize your landscape the way you want while working within your budget. Call us now for discussing your landscaping project!